Cal U. frat president cited over party
The president of a fraternity at California University of Pennsylvania has been cited for hosting a disorderly house party early Sunday where a man was assaulted and several people were cited for underage drinking.
California Borough police said Sigma Tau Gamma President Michael Mackowick, 21, of Pittsburgh, was cited under a local ordinance governing excessive noise, tumultuous behavior and fighting.
“The university will be working with Sigma Tau Gamma’s national organization to address this situation,” Cal U. spokeswoman Christine Kindl said Tuesday.
Kindl said the university’s office of student conduct is reviewing the case.
“All students, including members of Greek life organizations, are held accountable for their actions and expected to abide by the code of conduct, both on and off campus,” she said.
Kyle MacLachlan of Bloomsburg was treated at Mon Valley Hospital after he was struck in the head and knocked unconscious about 2:30 a.m. Sunday at the fraternity’s off-campus house at 525 Second St.
Jeremy J. Burton, 19, of South Park, was charged with assault in the case, and he remained in Washington County jail Tuesday on $25,000 bond set by District Judge Larry Hopkins.
Burton and others, none of whom attend Cal U., were cited for underage drinking. Kindl said one punch was thrown during the fight.
The borough drafted the ordinance several years ago, mirroring one in Indiana that the municipality approved to address parties involving students at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.