Chartiers church looking to help homeowners
Members of the Holy Name Society of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal parish in Meadow Lands, Chartiers Township, are looking for homeowners to help this summer as part of their Good Samaritan project.
The project assists in providing free home improvements to needy homeowners with the goal of improving livability, warmth, security and safety. George Pecharka, a member of the society, said those eligible are the elderly, handicapped people, single parents and disabled veterans. An applicant must own his or her home.
Pecharka said previous projects included installing new doors and placing skirting around a house trailer. Work will be done this summer, likely in June or July.
To receive an application, email Pecharka at or call him at 724-503-4083. Applications also are available at the church at 300 Pike St., Meadow Lands.
All applications must be completed and returned either by email or regular mail no later than March 31. Late applications will be saved for 2016.