Families sue for negligence in fatal W. Pa. train-bus crash
EVANS CITY (AP) – The families of people hurt or killed when a freight train hit their minibus in western Pennsylvania have sued the bus driver and transportation agency for negligence.
The lawsuit Tuesday comes a year after bus driver Frank Schaffner was sentenced to 16 years of probation in the April 2013 crash that killed two people and injured eight.
The bus was transporting senior citizens and people with disabilities in Butler, about 30 miles north of Pittsburgh.
Schaffner didn’t stop at the foggy crossing, telling police he’d never encountered a train there before.
Schaffner’s passengers began screaming, but he told police he didn’t hear the train over a radio.
The train was about 70 feet away when Schaffner told police he saw it and tried to accelerate out of its way.