Washington County Commissioners, Salary Board
• Date: March 19
• Action: The county plans a waste tire collection at a date and place to be announced. The Pennsylvania Resource Council, through the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful program, will obtain and administer a grant.
The commissioners approved a $39,794 addition to the contract with Clearwater Construction for Chapel Hill Road repairs associated with the Mingo Creek No. 10 bridge replacement. This brings the total contact amount to $915,740 to be paid by state taxpayers.
On behalf of the jail, the county is seeking proposals for pharmacy services. During this process, the commissioners have extended month-to-month the contract with Curtis Pharmacy Long-Term Care Services, Washington.
On behalf of the health center, the commissioner are also seeking proposals, including engineering services, to build a canopy.
• Salary board: The position of assistant director, Child Care Information Services, is being filled internally April 1, and the new salary for the position will be $47,538 instead of the previous $56,821. The salary for the soon-to-be vacant position of Children and Youth Services fiscal officer will be $55,000 instead of the previous $60,282. There is a candidate from outside the office that the county expects to hire.
• Next meeting: 10 a.m. Thursday, April 2, in the public meeting room of the Courthouse Square office building.