Psych hospital escapee found

The Smith Township man wanted on murder charges who escaped from a psychiatric hospital Monday afternoon was found late Wednesday night in the area of Jane Lew, W.Va., near a natural gas site.
Rocco Zuccaro, 29, was found just before 11 p.m. by a West Virginia state trooper from the Elkins detachment, hiding in tall grass near the site in Harrison County. He was not far from William J. Sharpe Jr. Hospital in Weston, from which he escaped about 4:30 p.m. Monday.
Zuccaro was awaiting trial in the February 2013 murder of James Pratz of Wellsburg. Pratz was found shot to death outside his home in Brooke County. Zuccaro was reportedly the last person to see him alive.
State police said Zuccaro was at the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation prior to the start of his trial on the homicide charge. Lt. Michael Baylous, West Virginia state police spokesman, said Zuccaro climbed a 15-foot brick wall, ran across a yard and then climbed over a chain-link fence before running into a wooded area. Investigators were trying to determine if he had any assistance in his escape.
Police were searching the area where Zuccaro was found after receiving several reports he was seen in the area.
Smith police also were on the lookout for Zuccaro after being notified of his escape by West Virginia authorities, in the event he tried to return to his home on Harmon Creek Road.
The Burgettstown man was taken to North Central Regional jail for arraignment on felony escape charges, West Virginia state police said.