Road work set for coming week
The state Department of Transportation announced the tentative work schedule for Greene County roads for next week.
• Bridge replacement work will be done on Route 1023 in Cumberland Township.
• Pavement patching will be conducted on Route 21, from the West Virginia line to West Greene and on Route 18, from West Greene to the Washington County line.
• Drainage issues will be addressed on Route 3000 in Wind Ridge and in Wayne and Gilmore townships.
• Slide repair work will continue on Route 3007 in Richhill Township.
• Pipe flushing and ditch cutting is set for Route 2003, Kirby Road to White Barn Road, and on Route 3013 in Brave.
• Shoulder cutting and grading begins on Route 2022 in Cumberland Township.
PennDOT has a 24-hour toll free number for residents to report road maintenance concerns The number is 1-800-349-7623.
Bridge closes for repairs: Greene County Bridge No. 105 on Harvey Hill Road in Center Township was closed Friday to allow crews to make several repairs.
The county’s engineer, Widmer Engineering, is working with the state Department of Transportation to correct the issues so the bridge can be reopened as soon as possible.
Traffic will be detoured through the village of Rutan via Maranda Run Road in Center Township to connect back to Harvey Hill Road.