Challenge Program visits two Greene County schools
The Challenge Program, Inc., a regional nonprofit organization that builds sustainable business and educational partnerships while introducing students to careers in their communities, visited two high schools in Greene County this month to introduce students to the program through an orientation assembly.
This year’s orientation assembly, “Respect: Are You Up for the Challenge?” is a team project dramatization that demonstrates professional behaviors and attitudes.
The group visited Jefferson-Morgan Sept. 17 and went to Mapletown High School Sept. 21. The program is scheduled to visit the Greene County Career & Technical Center Monday.
“Many high school students already have jobs or will be applying for jobs in the near future,” said Barbara Grandinetti, the executive director of The Challenge Program Inc.
“Our orientation assembly will demonstrate positive and negative workplace behaviors to help them succeed on-the-job and ease their transition into the workforce.”
Local businesses also play an important role in the assemblies. Each participating school is matched with at least one business, which will participate in the dramatization and be given the opportunity to speak briefly about career opportunities available within their company.
Monetary incentives are used to reinforce The Challenge Program Inc.’s message of encouraging students to develop the solid work habits required on the job. Students in the sophomore, junior and senior classes at each participating school will be eligible to compete for awards in five categories that are directly linked with workplace success. They include attendance, STEM, community service, academic improvement and academic excellence.
For more information on participating in or becoming a business partner to The Challenge Program, Inc., call Mary Dreliszak, director of Program Development and Public Relations, at 724-984-0860 or email her at