Two area schools named National Blue Ribbon honorees
Bentworth High School and Canon-McMillan School District’s First Street Elementary School were recognized Tuesday as National Blue Ribbon schools.
Bentworth High School was recognized for its exemplary efforts in closing achievement gaps and First Street Elementary School was recognized as an exemplary high-performing school.
The U.S. Department of Education recognized 335 public and nonpublic schools for 2015, and will honor them at a ceremony Nov. 9 and 10 in Washington, D.C. The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program was started in 1982 to bring public attention to the best schools across the country and to facilitate communication and sharing of best practices within and among school districts, according to the Department of Education.
Exemplary achievement gap closing is awarded to schools that have made the greatest advances in closing subgroup achievement gaps in English and math, and exemplary high performing schools have their state’s highest high school graduation rates and the highest-achieving students in English and math, according to the Department of Education.
This is the second time that First Street Elementary School as been named a National Blue Ribbon School. It was recognized in 2007 for closing achievement gaps. Principal Shannon Balch said the school’s most recent award is the result of hard work and dedication.
“It shows that with consistent hard work and dedication students meet with success,” Balch said. “We are lucky to have a strong faculty and strong community all working together on behalf of our children.”
Wylandville Elementary also was named as a Blue Ribbon National School in 2010. Superintendent Michael Daniels said the recognition is an honor.
“This is a tremendous accomplishment and I am truly proud of them,” he said.
Bentworth Superintendent Scott Martin was thrilled to learn his district had won the distinction. It is the first time a Bentworth school has been recognized.
“First and foremost, this is a testament to the dedication of staff,” Martin said. “This is an extreme honor.”
Principal Keith Konyk said staff and students cheered when he announced the news Tuesday morning. To celebrate the achievement, Konyk said staff and students will participate in an assembly Wednesday, watch the official announcement and have a “blue out.”
“I’m super proud of our school,” he said. “I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of this district. Congratulations to our staff and students.”