Totals in 49th Legislative District: Benyak, Cook lead
Charleroi attorney Alan Benyak declared victory in the Mon Valley’s 49th Legislative race at Contromano’s Restaurant in Charleroi, where he is surrounded by about 40 supporters.
“I want to thank everyone for being here,” he said a few minutes ago. “How honored I am to have this much support.”
Benyak vowed to begin campaigning today to defeat Republican opponent Bud Cook of West Pike Run Township. He cited planks in his platform as job creation, real estate tax reform and addressing the heroin epidemic.
Cook said earlier in the evening, “We’re going to build on the plan we already started. I knocked on 7,000 doors and brought in a lot of young people as supporters.”
According to unofficial tallies from Washington and Fayette counties’ websites, Benyak, has 2,150 votes, followed by Donn Henderson, 1,552; Mark Alterici, 954; Brendan Garay, 331; Bob Kepics, 654; and Randy Barli, 304. On the Republican ballot, totals were Bud Cook, 1,949 and Melanie S. Patterson, 1,389.