Electronics collection on Tuesdays
Washington County Planning Commission held its first monthly electronics recycling collection Tuesday.
The event will continue monthly. Collections will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. the first Tuesday each month at Washington County Fairgrounds, Exhibit Hall No. 1, 2151 N. Main St., Washington.
The event is open to the public. Resident verification is not needed.
Electronics will be collected by JVS Environmental and recycled according to EPA and state Department of Environmental Protection guidelines, with most items collected free of charge.
Eligible items include computer monitors, towers and bases, keyboards; speakers, notebooks and printers. Televisions are limited to one per carload.
Fluorescent tubes and lights will be accepted for $1 per bulb. Freon appliances will be accepted with a removal fee of $15. Cash and checks are accepted.
Lab or testing equipment containing hazardous material will not be accepted.
Those with more than 20 items must call in advance at 724-228-6811.
For more information, including a full list of 2016 collection dates, visit www.co.washington.pa.us.