Donora Lumber closes amid bankruptcy proceedings

DONORA – A company that supplied lumber during construction of the World Trade Center and for one of Pittsburgh’s most famous roller coasters has closed its doors amid bankruptcy proceedings.
Donora Lumber Co. locked its gates without announcement Jan. 8, dealing another blow to the economy in the struggling former steel town in the Mon Valley, borough council President Dennis Gutierrez said.
“It leaves another empty business in town,” added Donora Mayor Don Pavelko.
“That was an institution here in Donora for as long as I can remember, and even before that,” Pavelko said.
In addition to the lumber for Kennywood’s Thunderbolt coaster, the company supplied the materials to build the Jack Rabbit at the amusement park in West Mifflin and the fence at the former Three Rivers Stadium.
Pavelko said the lumber company at 300 Meldon Ave. thrived until it faced competition from big-box lumber stores.
“It killed their business,” Pavelko said. “We’re going to have to try to get another business in there.”
The company’s president, Victor J. Fioravanti, on Jan. 15 filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in federal court in Pittsburgh, to liquidate the business, court records show. The company stated in a court filing that it owed less than $50,000 to 38 creditors.
Donora Lumber also owed $4,358 in delinquent real estate taxes to Washington County, county records show.
Fioravanti and his attorney in the bankruptcy case, Richard Schimizzi of Greensburg, did not return phone calls seeking comment.