Local McDonald’s owner receives rare honor
Ron and Pam Galiano have owned and operated McDonald’s restaurants for 25 years. Quarter Pounders for a quarter-century.
“I’ve gone to a number of (company) conventions and seen other people get awards, and never really thought about getting one,” Ron said. “Just to be considered would be humbling.”
Humble pie was served Tuesday morning in Canonsburg.
Summoned there under the guise of a corporate meeting, Galiano was stunned as he was presented a Fred L. Turner Golden Arch Award, recognizing customer service, business performance and civic involvement. It is an elite honor that goes to a mere 1 percent of McDonald’s owner/managers across the globe, which has slightly fewer than 40,000 locations.
“Everyone in the McFamily knows. How did I not know this?” asked Galiano, eliciting a roomful of laughter. A growing crowd of company executives, store managers, employees, customers and family members had gathered inside the Bobby Vinton Boulevard site. Many, indeed, had known beforehand.
Galiano, of Peters Township, realized what was happening as Larry Harrison, general manager and vice president of McDonald’s Pittsburgh region, approached with a banner proclaiming his selection by corporate officials as the new year dawned.
“Ron is a well-known pillar in the community,” Harrison said. “He has shown relentless dedication to community service and significant community investment.
“Today, Ron, this is about you. Let’s all toast a great leader, a great man, Ron Galiano.”
Glasses of champagne were raised and downed in recognition of Galiano, former board chairman of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Pittsburgh, current chair of the chapter’s public relations and marketing committee, founder of the Cool 2 B Clean anti-drug program for middle-schoolers, and Coffee with the Cops, designed to enhance relationships among residents and police.
Pam Galiano was prepared for this event.
“I knew. We all knew at some point,” she said, referring also to daughters Brittany and Kristin.
“I’ve known for about two weeks, and fortunately it wasn’t any longer. It’s very difficult to keep a secret. This is the pinnacle award for McDonald’s employees.”
“She set me up really good,” Ron said. “She asked, ‘What are you doing today?’ I told her three times, ‘A meeting.'”
The Galianos have been lovin’ it at McDonald’s since the early 1990s. Ron purchased his first restaurant in 1996, on Route 19 in Peters, then proceeded to buy three others in Washington County: Canonsburg, Meadow Lands and Burgettstown.
They were satisfied with four until December, when Ron bought nine more – many in West Virginia and Ohio.
“Part of it is, I need my head examined,” he said, chuckling. Part of it is daughter Kristin and son-in-law Alex want to join the company.
Ron, 61, is a local transplant. He grew up in New Castle, graduated from Youngstown State University and moved to Washington County in the 1980s. Ron worked for an advertising agency that had McDonald’s as a client, and eventually went to the other side.
Holly Janflone is thrilled that he did. She manages the Peters restaurant.
“He is an amazing man, one of the most intelligent people I know,” she said.. “He’s a family man, and we’re McFamily.”
Chris Czajkowski also was on hand Tuesday. He manages the Meadow Lands location, off Racetrack Road, and said he was 18 when he met Galiano. Czajkowski is 46 now and continues to be impressed by his boss.
“He has a very smart business mind. We were surprised (that Galiano won), but to be honest, he should have won this a long time ago. It’s long overdue.”
Galiano may disagree. But on a frigid morning outside, the Golden Arch Award wasn’t the only thing that warmed him inside the packed dining room. He interacted with dozens of people – employees, customers, corporate types, Pam, his daughters – pausing only to field congratulatory cellphone calls.
Near the end of the event, the owner/manager told a reporter – again – that he was “humbled and honored,” and deflected credit once more.
“I have a great team supporting me,” he said.
Yet there was a sense that many in the audience were humbled and honored, as well.
From their view, the company that recently launched the McPick 2 meal McPicked the right person.