LWV plans luncheon

The League of Women Voters of Washington County has invited the nine state legislators who represent parts of Washington County and their constituents to the league’s annual legislative luncheon beginning at 11:30 a.m. Feb. 12, at Citizens Library, 55 S. College St., Washington.
Those invited include State Sens. Camera Bartolotta and Guy Reschenthaler and State Reps. John Maher, Jason Ortitay, Jim Christiana, Peter Daley, Brandon Neuman, Rick Saccone and Pam Snyder.
The luncheon is an information session in which the legislators are asked to answer questions about topics of interest to the League of Women Voters. This year, the questions concern voting and election reform and include a focus on possible changes in redistricting, ballot access, judicial selection and campaign finance. In addition to hearing the views of the legislators, attendees will have the chance to talk to them individually.
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, has more information at washingtoncounty.palwv.org.
The cost of the catered lunch from Claysville’s Main Street Café is $15. Reservations should be made with Judy Hughes at jh0709@comcast.net or 724-745-3111. Checks, made out to the League of Women Voters of Washington County, should be mailed to K.L. Hanawalt, LWVWC Treasurer, 205 Grandview Drive, McMurray, PA 15317. The deadline for reservations for the luncheon is Feb. 8.