Chartiers-Houston to honor 67 seniors
Chartiers-Houston School District will hold commencement exercises for 67 seniors at 7 p.m. Friday at the high school.
Spencer K. Terling, son of Sean and Kristy Terling of Washington, is the valedictorian. Terling is a four-year starter and captain of the varsity football team and a three-year starter and captain of the varsity basketball team. He is vice president of the National Honor Society, president of Student Government and Students Against Destructive Decisions, and a member of Peer Jury and Leo Club. He is the recipient of the KDKA student-athlete “Extra Effort Award,” TRI-CADA student-athlete scholarship, Greater Canonsburg Lions Club scholarship and the First Commonwealth “Time to Be First” scholarship. He was selected for the Bee Graphix Football Classic all-star game. Terling plans to attend Carnegie Mellon University to study economics and to play football.
Erin James, daughter of Margaret and Todd James of Canonsburg, is the salutatorian. James is varsity captain and four-time all-section soccer player, and treasurer of Students Against Destructive Decisions, Mathletes, National Honor Society and the senior class. She is a member of Leo Club, Student Government, Charconge yearbook and Peer Jury. James won awards from National Honor Society, received highest honors and won merit scholarships from Illinois Institute of Technology, where she plans to study architecture and play soccer.
Jacob Cavallo, son of Sylvia and David Cavallo of Houston, is an honors graduate. Cavallo participated in Student Government, Students Against Destructive Decisions, SEC Club, yearbook committee, BotsIQ, National Honor Society and LEO Club. He played football and basketball and participated in track and field. Cavallo plans to attend Saint Francis University to study exercise physiology and become a doctor of physical therapy, and to play football.