Peters Township H.S. ceremony set for Friday

Peters Township High School will hold commencement exercises for 341 seniors at 7 p.m. Friday in the high school stadium, weather permitting.
The students speaking are class president Daniel Florentino and the senior class speaker Aaryan Jadhav.
PT Scholars are students graduating with summa cum laude honors who have a weighted grade point average of 5.0 or higher. There are 40 students in the graduating class of 2017 who have met this requirement.
They are: Joseph Charles Belfiore, Akash Mohan Bhat, Anthony Michael Biscardo, Megan Elizabeth Black, Anthony Vincent Castellone, Andrew David Cuervo, Julia Philitsa DeRienzo, Mitchell Thomas Dubaniewicz, Cambrea Nicole Kathleen Earley, Laura Ann Ehrenberger, Liana Renee Fink, Daniel Christian Florentino, Aubree May Freely, Joseph Samuel Grzyb, Sydney Andrea Hannah, Steven Edward Hart, Cindy Miau-Hsin Hsieh, Aaryan Rajendra Jadhav, Lucas John Karavolis, Anna Kernich Komer, Caroline Healey Langley, Morgan Ann Malencia, Emma Renae McCartney, Marissa Colleen McFarlin, Sarah Jane Neky, Sarah Elizabeth Oldenburg, Alec Thomas Raber, Angela Grace Roberts, Jake Hunter Rose, Nicholas Andrew Schneider, Julia Mia Seraly, Shreya Madhusudhan Sharma, Amanda Nicole Smith, Abby Clare Tarwater, Brenna Nicole Taylor, Danielle Gail Vulcano, Nathaniel Zihua Wang, Stephanie Yizhu Wang, Ally Marie Wehn and Adianna Nicole Williams.