Meeting recap

• Date: June 15
• Action: In matters related to the Washington County Airport, the commissioners approved the purchase of a navigation easement for $10,000 on property at 1205 Mounts Road so that trees can be removed from a flight path.
At the request of William McGowen, director of the redevelopment authority, which oversees the operation of the airport, the commissioners awarded the request for proposals to relocate the automated weather observing system, including site preparation, to Bronder Technical Services Inc. of Prospect, at a cost of $133,823, to be funded from the Local Share Account of gambling proceeds from The Meadows Racetrack & Casino.
Also at the request of the redevelopment authority, the commissioners authorized a $34,858 payment to Contractors Connection for a 25-horsepower diesel tractor, bagger assembly and 60-inch blower and drive kit.
At the request of the Purchasing Department and Lisa Cessna, director of the Washington County Planning Commission, the board approved advertising for bids to replace six fire-damaged solar modules, flashing and racking inverters, including installation, for the Cross Creek County Park shelter that burned on Thanksgiving Day.
• Appointments: Dale Myers, Todd Crothers, Dan Briner, Harry Wilson and Donald Bailey to the Veterans Advisory Council; reappointed to the same board were Herb Hermann, Richard Warco, William Puchi and David White.
• Announcement: County offices will be closed Tuesday, July 4, for the Independence Day holiday.
• Next meeting: 10 a.m. Thursday, July 20, in the public meeting room of the Courthouse Square office building.