Judge orders Sunoco pipeline protesters off own property

HUNTINGDON (AP) – A judge has ordered a central Pennsylvania family and their allies to vacate some of their property which Sunoco Logistics plans to us for its Mariner East 2 pipeline.
An attorney for the Gerhart family isn’t sure whether they’ll appeal Thursday’s order by Huntingdon County Judge George Zanic. He’s given them two days to vacate trees and take down tents and other structures where they’ve been staying to protest a right-of-way Sunoco obtained through the property.
The Gerharts are still waiting for the state Supreme Court to hear an appeal of Zanic’s earlier ruling letting Sunoco take 3.2 acres of the family’s 27-acre tract through eminent domain.
The Gerharts and allies have been camping in the property since March in hopes of stopping the 350-mile pipeline they say is dangerous and damages the environment.