Five seeking nomination as Washington County judge
Five candidates are seeking the nomination of the Democratic and Republican parties in the May 16 primary to fill a vacancy on the Washington County Court. The vacancy was created in January 2015 with the unexpected retirement of President Judge Debbie O’Dell Seneca. Gov. Tom Wolf appointed local attorney Damon Faldowski to serve through the end of 2017. All five candidates are graduates of Duquesne University School of Law and all have cross-filed on both ballots. The Observer-Reporter posed this question to each candidate: “What in your background or experience makes you the best-qualified candidate for Washington County judge?” Candidates were given a 200-word limit to respond.
Age: 56
Residence: Peters Township
My legal experience sets me apart in this campaign. I have 30 years of experience in the courtroom.
I began my career as a prosecutor where I handled thousands of cases ranging from misdemeanor violations to violent crimes and offenses against women and children. After serving as a prosecutor, I began a private practice handling cases in the criminal, civil, family and appellate courts.
As an attorney, I am certified to handle death penalty cases and I have been admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Because of my experience, I was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Washington County Court of Common Pleas, serving from November 2010 until December 2011. As judge, I presided over hundreds of cases in the family, criminal and civil divisions. Upon completing my service, I opened my own practice, which handles cases in all levels of the judicial system.
I belong to the Washington County Bar Association and Academy of Trial Lawyers of Southwestern Pennsylvania.
I am active in the community, previously coaching for Peters Township Youth Baseball and Soccer Associations. I am also a life member of the National Rifle Association and Firearm Owners Against Crime.
Age: 64
Residence: Canton Township
After practicing law for 37 years I can document, using courthouse computer records, handling more cases than the other candidates combined. I have corrected more judges’ bad decisions – 10 – than the other candidates combined. I believe the taxpayers need a break and do not need to pay over half a million dollars yearly for countless masters and “fill-in” judges. Let’s cut the taxpayers a break. Taxpayers are still recuperating from the recent real estate tax assessment increase.
Also, I am the only candidate who has offered to take a monthly drug test to bring more credibility to the bench after two judges left the bench in 2012 and 2015.
Washington County has been good to me. My wife and I rent a three-quarter house to girls trying to be clean after drug addiction. We have helped more than 49 girls. I am not running while collecting a taxpayer check for another job but self-funding my campaign to avoid appearances of conflict. I come from a family with no criminal history. I was raised with strong moral and legal values.
I am a graduate of Trinity High School, Geneva College and Duquesne Law School.
Age: 52
Residence: Amwell Township
I alone am uniquely qualified. I have practiced law 19 years, 18 years as solicitor for the Children and Youth Services agency. I have lived in Amwell Township for more than 25 years, served as church elder, and started and lead Girl Scout Troop 50556. I co-founded ChildFirst PA, a forensic interview and court preparation training program. I co-chair the county’s Law Day observance. I served as bar executive board member for six years. I am a trustee of the Bar Foundation. I was selected as government lawyer of the year by the Pennsylvania Bar Association. I am the founding member of the state Children and Youth Solicitors Association. I was a university scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, and I hold a master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania.
I earned a certificate of meritorious service from the Bar Association, a vocational service award from the Rotary Club and a community education award from the League of Women Voters. I am the only registered Republican on the ballot. I have directed vacation Bible schools and women’s retreats. I have argued before the state Supreme Court and extensively before state Superior Court. I am a weekly volunteer at Canonsburg Hospital.
Age: 53
Residence: South Strabane Township
My entire 25-year career as a trial attorney has been dedicated to the citizens of Washington County. Serving as first assistant public defender, an attorney within a private law firm, and, since 1997, as an assistant district attorney, I have proven my commitment to Washington County.
A Judge of Common Pleas Court presides over trials and hearings. The decisions made are those most likely to affect our residents for a lifetime and beyond. It is imperative that this judge have considerable courtroom experience. As a career prosecutor, I have participated in more jury trials than all the candidates combined, resulting in the removal of hundreds of violent criminals from this community. While some candidates have never tried a case, and others haven’t had a jury trial in this county in over a decade, my courtroom skills and legal knowledge are current and fine-tuned. With the record number of cases now on the docket, I would be able, without a learning curve, to immediately preside efficiently and effectively.
Receiving the most highly recommended and recommended votes from the attorneys of the Washington County Bar Association indicates that my peers also find me to be the most qualified candidate.
Age: 35
Residence: North Strabane Township
As an attorney and legislator, I have faithfully served the principles of justice in our community since the beginning of my career.
In the courtroom, I represented the most vulnerable – those abused and neglected while in a nursing home and many other victims in civil court. In our legislature, I ensured rape victims have the ability to attain the evidence in their pursuit of justice, as well as brought fresh ideas to combat our community’s opioid crisis. Additionally, I am working to set guidelines for judges on the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing so that our communities are safe through sentences that are fair and effective.
I have written laws that judges interpret, and worked with judges from Pennsylvania to lower community recidivism rates and help keep our community safe. I am able to bring a unique perspective to the bench as someone who has worked on the ground floor and worked to ensure that the laws of this Commonwealth are written such that they can be fairly applied.
No other candidate can bring my experience and perspective to the bench, and now I ask for your vote to be the next judge of Washington County.