No Bieber at Tanger

Screaming teenyboppers were likely disappointed Wednesday morning to learn that reports of an appearance by pop singer Justin Bieber at Tanger Outlets were nothing more than a vicious rumor.
Turns out he was thousands of miles away performing in India.
South Strabane police Chief Don Zofchak said an Altoona man claiming to be part of Bieber’s advance entourage told staff at the outlets that Bieber would be there to shop between 9 a.m. and noon. While the singer reportedly had his own security, Tanger officials notified township police to request additional security.
“Between the officers and Tanger, the story got more suspicious,” Zofchak said Wednesday afternoon. “That’s when it was determined that Bieber was actually in India.”
Zofchak said police are considering charging the Altoona man with disorderly conduct.