Primary election results for municipal races in Greene County

WAYNESBURG – Several races will appear in the fall for township supervisor in multiple Greene County municipalities, according to unofficial results from Tuesday’s primary. The results do not include a tally of write-in votes.
In Center Township, incumbent Seann P. McCollum defeated challenger H. Buck Durbin on the Republican ballot in a 77 to 58 vote. He will face Harry D. Gillispie, who defeated Glenn Eddy on the Democratic ballot in an 81 to 43 vote.
In Morris Township, incumbent Bob Keller ran unopposed on the Republican ballot and received 66 votes. He will face Daniel L. Karvan in the fall. Karvan defeated David Harden in the Democratic primary in a 30 to 18 vote.
In Richhill Township, Charles R. Kiger defeated Al Penska on the Democratic ballot in a 103 to 34 vote; He will face Shawn Burns in the fall after Burns defeated Mike Pikula in a 36 to 10 vote on the Republican ballot.
In Whiteley Township, Gretchen Henderson received the nomination on the Democratic ballot receiving 34 votes; she will face Roger Hayes who received the Republican nomination with 27 votes. Each was unopposed.
Several races for municipal posts also appeared to be decided during Tuesday’s primary.
Incumbent Cumberland Township supervisor William Nicholson defeated William F. Lewis Jr. on the Democratic ballot. Nicholson received 481 votes to Lewis’ 144 votes.
In Freeport Township, Ken E. Kirby defeated Dylan Stoneking in a 15 to 14 vote on the Democratic ballot.
In Monongahela Township, incumbent Bill Monahan defeated Rocky King on the Democratic ballot in a 121 to 69 vote. No Republican appeared on the ballot.
In Washington Township, Charles J. Hickman defeated incumbent supervisor Correan J. Stewart on the Democratic ballot in an 87 to 60 vote.
In a race for tax collector on the Democratic ballot in Richhill Township, Joyce Helphenstine defeated Diane Stokes in a 103 to 51 vote on the Democratic ballot.
For two council seats in Waynesburg Ward 2, incumbents Miles Davin Jr. and Patrick Haught won nominations with 41 and 31 votes respectively. Eric Rush placed third with 30 votes.
There were no Republican candidates in any of those races.