Ortitay introduces school property tax bill

State Rep. Jason Ortitay, R-South Fayette Township, this week introduced legislation that would allow school districts to enact additional taxes to offset the dependence on the property tax. The bill would also require school districts to lower their current property tax rates by a minimum of 10 percent in the first year.
House Bill 1429 would permit school districts to enact the following taxes; earned income tax, occupation, per capita, business privilege tax, local service, real estate transfer, realty, amusement and mercantile tax. Any new tax or revenue raised would require the property tax levels in a district were lowered. Any taxpayer with past due property taxes would be permitted to repay all dues and interest without penalty within 180 days of the bill’s enactment.
School districts would be allowed to raise taxes only to an approved limit each year. Any additional increase would have to be approved by a voter referendum.
The bill is currently awaiting action in the Finance Committee.