H-2B visas
Scott Simmons
Not at all. Reason agriculture. We use H-2A visa. There are no restrictions. No different
Some permanent residence cards. Some live on farm. Think 21 w/Mexican xdescent and 14 comed here every year on visa — others permanent residents.
H-2B — more landscaping. They have to use B.
Lot friends in landscaping. Their main cioncerns — Oner gusy 140K applic ansd allowed only 33K — at tail end of program. Have to reapply every year. Bel. limited 2B. Bel. LS busiensses got no one and closed their doors. think upset — used lottery system. Any vbusiness if no. pul;eld, can get any no. If awated 10, dcd 10. If one wanted 1, cdnt get 1.
A&S Landscaping
on 19
Scott and Albert, They’re two I know. They got all those guys.
(724) 746-2151
(I left a message)
Andy Novelli —
McMurray Nursery
uses migrant workers
(left voice mail)