County outlines bridge projects

Washington County commissioners Thursday awarded contracts to replace two bridges, and announced painting of a Panhandle Trail bridge will result in lane closures to Route 18 in Burgettstown.
The VanVoorhis bridge over Pigeon Creek in the Monongahela area, which has been closed since the spring, will be replaced by Maccabee Industrial Inc. of Belle Vernon, at a total cost of $455,412.
Raccoon Creek Bridge No. 11, on Maple Grove Road on the border of Smith and Robinson townships, will be replaced by Metzinger Cement Inc. of Pittsburgh at a total cost of $295,167.
Funding for both will be from the Act 13 impact fee on unconventional natural gas wells.
Amari Painting & Lining LLC, Meadow Lands, was awarded a $364,000 contract to paint the Panhandle Trail bridge, to be paid from both Panhandle gas lease funds and Greenways funds.
Motorists are asked to be aware there will be partial closures of the Route 18 four-lane area beneath the bridge once sandblasting begins.