Police Beat June 12
Driver charged: Janice L. Webster, 41, of 431 Linnwood Drive, Eighty Four, was charged by North Strabane police with driving under the influence of alcohol, failure to obey traffic control devices, possession of paraphernalia and having an open container of alcohol after she allegedly failed to obey an officer’s direction at a crash scene Saturday afternoon and almost hit a second officer. Police had been called after a pickup truck driven by Ross Hruby, 36, of Venetia, went off Brownlee Road near Mosier Road, went down a drop-off and hit a guardrail. Hruby refused treatment for a minor injury. Webster reportedly did not stop her vehicle when told to do so by police. She allegedly admitted to smoking marijuana earlier in the day, and police said there was an open beer bottle in the console. Police said she refused to submit to a blood-alcohol test.
Driver injured: Debbie O’Dell, 64, of Eighty Four, was injured when her vehicle was struck June 5 by a vehicle driven by Kust Race, 58, of Apollo, at the intersection of Springdale and Thomas roads. Police said Race had been going south on Thomas and was turning onto Springdale when he hit the front of O’Dell’s vehicle. She was taken to Canonsburg Hospital for treatment.
Charged in crash: Mark S. Setto, 47, of 38 Robin Drive, South Strabane, was charged by South Strabane police with driving under the influence of alcohol after he reportedly crashed his car into a utility pole at the intersection of Route 136 and Phillips Drive about 4:40 p.m. Saturday. Police said his blood-alcohol content was almost 4 1/2 times the 0.08 percent limit at which intoxication is presumed.
Assault arrest: Robert McFall, 39, of 440 McCarrell Ave., Washington, was arrested Sunday by Washington police after he allegedly hit his brother, Ronald McFall, 41, in the head and threw him into a lattice during a confrontation at their home. Robert McFall was arraigned before District Judge Mark Wilson on a charge of simple assault and placed in Washington County Jail on $5,000 bond.
Harassment alleged: Stephanie Hinebaugh, 30, of 105 Baird Ave., was charged by Washington police with harassment Sunday after she allegedly went to the home of James McCartney, 45 Baird Ave., and trashed the inside. She also allegedly hit him in the head.
Wallet stolen: Peggy Ringer of 520 Jefferson Ave. told Washington police that her wallet containing $700 and a Walmart pay card in the amount of $574 was stolen from her home Saturday.
Warrant arrest: Shawn Boyer, 45, of 190 S. McDonald St., McDonald, was taken into custody Saturday by Washington police on a Beaver County bench warrant after he allegedly created a disturbance at Big Shot Bob’s, 201 S. Main St. He was placed in Washington County Jail on the warrant. City police will charge him with disorderly conduct.
Women assaulted: Madison Anderson, 20, of Maple Terrace, told Washington police that she was assaulted by three women at her home Saturday. She told police that they punched her and tackled her, knocking her to the ground, where she was kicked. When her friend Connor Cotton, 22, of Scenery Hill, tried to intervene, she also was thrown to the ground, police said. Anderson suffered a cut lip and had four teeth knocked loose. Cotton had a cut on her face, police said.
Pistol stolen: Ashley Malpassi of 289 Locust Ave. told Washington police Friday that a Springfield pistol was stolen from her home.