Man jailed, police investigating weapon’s discharge

The Washington Police Department has opened an internal investigation into one of its officers discharging a weapon during an incident involving an Avella man at GetGo on Wylie Avenue Sunday afternoon.
“We had an officer that did discharge his weapon at the incident,” Washington Police Chief Robert Wilson said Monday. “No one was shot, thank God.”
According to a criminal complaint filed by Washington police officer Paul Becker, he responded to a residence in the 100 block of Woodland Avenue for the theft of a bicycle at 1:33 p.m.
The victim, Lance Littel, allegedly told police that a man, later identified as Jesse Charnik, came to his door on Woodland, the complaint said. Charnik, 31, of 38 Homestead Drive, allegedly told Littel that he was in an accident and needed to call a relative. According to the complaint, Charnik then “tried to gain access” to the residence before Littel offered to call the relative on Charnik’s behalf.
Charnik then allegedly went into Littel’s backyard and took his green and black bike, which officers found a short time later parked outside the GetGo on Wylie, according to the complaint. Officers found Charnik in the gas station’s restroom, where he initially told them that he got the bike from a friend, according to the complaint.
Charnik allegedly resisted arrest and fought with officers, the complaint said. They struggled into the hallway and into the kitchen. Becker wrote in the affidavit that Officer Powell was in the kitchen with Charnik when Powell allegedly said, “He’s got something.”
Becker said in the report that Powell was out of his view when he heard a gunshot. He said he then saw Powell run back to the kitchen door and around a corner. No further explanation as to the gunshot or any potential injuries was given in the affidavit. Wilson declined to name the officer that discharged the weapon.
Charnik was handcuffed in front of the store, the complaint said, and transported to the police station. While in police custody, Charnik allegedly admitted to stealing the bike “because of his heroin addiction,” the complaint said.
When police returned to GetGo to collect the bike into evidence, an employee allegedly told police that Charnik assaulted her while he was there. According to the complaint, Charnik allegedly grabbed, pushed, squeezed and held down the employee.
Police charged Charnik with burglary, theft, resisting arrest and simple assault. He was arraigned Sunday night by District Judge Mark Wilson and jailed on $25,000 bond.
Wilson said that once his department’s investigation into the gunshot is completed, it will be handed over to Washington County District Attorney Gene Vittone’s office for review.
“They’re aware of the incident and that it will be turned over to them,” Wilson said.