Man charged with robbing bank across the street from police station

A Canonsburg man appeared to be intoxicated when he robbed a bank located directly across the street from the borough’s police station Tuesday afternoon.
About 2:26 p.m., Canonsburg police Chief Alex Coghill and Detective Michael Ledger said they heard the call for a panic alarm at Clearview Federal Credit Union, 105 E. Pike St. They went across the street and received a description of the man, who was later identified as Bradley Matthew Allen, 45, of 315 Summit Avenue, according to the criminal complaint.
Coghill said Allen was described as balding and sweating, while wearing a blue shirt, khaki pants and a blue medical mask.
“Him having a mask on made it kind of difficult to identify him right away,” Coghill said Wednesday. “Since everyone is wearing those masks right now, the challenge was making sure we had the right person.”
One of the tellers told police Allen came to his window and said “give me all your money and no die packs,” according to the criminal complaint. Coghill said Allen didn’t brandish a gun or weapon. The teller included “bait money” in the $610 that he gave Allen, the complaint said.
Coghill said a camera at Greenside Avenue and Pike Street captured Allen standing outside the bank before entering, then hurriedly walking out a few minutes later. There was at least one other customer in the bank at the time along with other employees.
Allen allegedly fled on foot about a ¼ mile before North Strabane Township police officers spotted him and made an arrest, as he matched the description from the bank.
According to the criminal complaint, Allen was “highly intoxicated” at the time of his arrest. Coghill said Allen was in possession of small bottles of whiskey, but no weapons.
The stolen $610 has been recovered, and Allen is now in jail on $250,000 bond. Borough police charged him with robbery, theft and receiving stolen property. He was arraigned Tuesday night by District Judge Curtis Thompson, and his preliminary hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. July 14.