Washington hires new code enforcement officer

Washington city council hired a new code enforcement officer Thursday.
The three council members who were present at the meeting unanimously hired Jeffery Donatelli, who will begin July 20.
Mayor Scott Putnam said Donatelli has been working as a code enforcement officer in Pittsburgh. From 2017 to 2018, Donatelli also worked in Bethel Park’s code enforcement office.
Putnam said the city received six applicants, performed four interviews and decided to hire Donatelli.
The position has been vacant since January, when former code enforcement officer Ron McIntyre died unexpectedly at age 40. McIntyre had served the city nearly two decades, first as a police officer, then as a code enforcement officer.
During the five months since McIntyre’s death, the city’s fire Chief Gerald Coleman said Monday he has been “doing the best I can” in keeping up with complaints.
Council also approved changes to the building code officer position, which previously had been contracted out. Council established an in-house position, which it considered to be more cost-effective, and hired Fred Sapp, who previously did building inspections in Kennedy Township. He too will begin July 20.
In other action Thursday, the council agreed to rebid the pickleball courts project in Washington Park. The bids were advertised early last month and due by the end of June, but the city received none. After speaking with interested contractors, the city’s engineer Sarah Boyce, of Widmer Engineering, said they “ran out of time” to submit bids.
The city will rebid the project, which includes a new tennis court-type surface, fencing around each of the new four courts, benches and possibly lighting on the courts that sit next to the tennis courts and behind the sports complex.
The city has $50,500 dedicated to the project, including $20,000 from its park fund, $20,000 from a tourism grant and another $10,500 from two private donations.