Hanover Township man’s death ruled homicide

The shooting death last week of a Hanover Township man was ruled a homicide Monday by Washington County Coroner Tim Warco.
Dennis Paluso, first assistant district attorney in Washington County, said the ruling will result in a homicide charge being filed, possibly today, against the shooting suspect, Joseph Robert Warrick Jr., in Friday’s death of his father.
State police initially charged Warrick Jr., 22, with aggravated assault in the slaying of his father, Joseph Robert Warrick Sr., during an argument over a missing vape pen.
The elder Warrick, 46, died about 4 p.m. near his garage at 20 Hanover Acres Drive after being shot in the back and left front chest.
Police said Warrick Jr. led investigators to the pistol used in the shooting and said he didn’t mean to kill his father, charging documents state.
He is being held without bond in Washington County jail after being arraigned in the case before District Judge Curtis Thompson. He also is charged with simple assault and reckless endangerment.