Police beat June 5
Woman charged: Shawna Varner, 33, of 191 Cooke Ave., Franklin Township, is charged by the Greene County sheriff’s office with hindering and obstruction over allegations she gave false information when officers arrived at her residence about 5 p.m. Monday to arrest a man on a felony warrant, court records show. Varner is free on $15,000 unsecured bond set by District Judge Glenn Bates.
MIDWAYFraud alleged: Ronald Elias, 63, of 303 Elder St., Midway, and his daughter, Nicole Elias, 31, of McKeesport, are each charged by the state attorney general’s office with Medicaid fraud, theft and conspiracy, court records show. They are accused of entering false claims to steal $10,862 from the Department of Human Services in June and December 2019. Both are free on $10,000 unsecured bonds set by District Judge Gary H. Havelka.