Free COVID-19 testing available

With the goal of ensuring that K-12 students, staff and families have access to free COVID testing, Intermediate Unit 1 and PennWest California, in partnership with the state Department of Health and AMI Expeditionary Health Care, are currently hosting free COVID-19 testing sites.
A mobile testing site will be set up at three of the IU1 locations. Testing will be available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday on a three-week rotational basis at IU1 offices via the “FabLab” mobile van through July 31.
• Starting Oct. 3 at the IU1 McMurray Campus, 625 E. McMurray Road, McMurray.
• Starting Oct. 24 at the IU1 Waynesburg Campus, 100 Evergreen Way Suite 102, Waynesburg.
• Starting Nov. 14 at the IU1 Central Office, One Intermediate Unit Drive, Coal Center.
Simultaneously, PennWest California will host a permanent testing site through July 31. It will run Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the Phillipsburg Buildin at 740 Orchard St., California.
Testing is open to anyone age 2 and older on a first come, first serve basis. Individuals do not need to be experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 to be tested, and appointments are not necessary. Photo ID is encouraged, but not required.