2000 Turkeys countdown to Thanksgiving continues

The 2000 Turkeys campaign is underway, with the goal of raising money to provide Washington County families in need with a Thanksgiving meal on Thanksgiving Day.
In partnership with the Food Helpers and the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, the funds raised go toward providing certificates for a turkey, along with the fixings for a holiday meal. Additionally, 2000 Turkeys will provide turkeys for The City Mission’s Bags of Love Thanksgiving program.
And this year, the need is as great as ever.
2000 Turkeys, launched nearly 40 years ago and co-sponsored by the Washington Observer-Reporter and WJPA Radio, is grateful for the support the campaign has gotten from Washington County individuals, businesses and organizations who are sending in donations.
We love the creative ways people have raised money to donate.
We’re thankful for neighbors like Geno Phillips at Sunoco Gas Station in Canonsburg, who collects money at the station for 2000 Turkeys every year and this year raised $2,040 to contribute.
This year, Liberty Pole Spirits will host a 2000 Turkeys Whiskey & Wares raffle from Oct. 20 through Nov. 12. Raffle prizes include one of 10 bottles of Shaken & Stirred single barrel pick; an eight-person cocktail class with owners Jim and Ellen Hough; an eight-person pre-opening tour of the new Liberty Pole Spirits; a “winter warmer” basket of Liberty Pole merchandise, including a throw blanket, scarf, hat, sweatshirt, bourbon and rum; and more.
“This community has brought a lot of support to Liberty Pole, and we thought this was a perfect way to return that support, with gratitude, and to give back to the community,” said Ellen Hough.
With about five weeks remaining until Thanksgiving, please send in your donation to 2000 Turkeys, P.O. Box 2000, Washington, PA 15301.
And if your family is struggling with food insecurity, please contact Food Helpers at 724-632-2190 ext. 101 or call Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank at 412-460-3663 ext. 655 for help.
Thank you to the following for your generous donations:
Therese Moore, in memory of Mike and Agnes and Paul Washinski and Barry J. Moore, $100
W. Ronald and Patricia Stout, $25
The Wong family, $50
Joan Stewart, in memory of Bob Stewart, $100
Sue T. Beels, $100
David and Judisth Davis, $25
Anonymous, $50
Cris L. Hamilton, $25
Rose Marie Kobrys, $50
Michael J. Zahora, $50
Fred and Joanne Caruso, $100
Paul and Christine McNeely, $20
Anonymous, $200
Bud and Nancy Bell, $75
Jamie Torboli, $50
Elizabeth Crumrine, $100
John and Gloria Penderville, $25
Carole A. Earliwine, in memory of my husband and son, $25
Corner Eats, $20
Donna L. Henderson, $50
William and Joyce Koeppelle, in memory of Darla Joe Koeppelle, $25
William and Joyce Koeppelle, in memory of Megan E. Peacock, $25
David McKenery Sr. and Jane McKenery, $50
Joseph and Eva Brown, $50
Kathleen K. Voigt, $50
Karen Defibaugh, in memory of my husband and my mother, $50
John and Denise Quayle, $200
Dominick and Timothy Trimarki, $100
Tina and Dan Jones, $50
Barbara Ann and Harry DeWitt, $25
Anonymous, $50
Charles and Bonnie Hines, $30
Violet and Robert Azman, $25
Jeff and Janis Chico, $50
Augusta Emanuele Garrity, $50
Marcia Malardie, in loving memory of James Malardie, $50
Debra Huggins, $25
M. Lee Detwiler, $100
Bart and Angela Raitano, $25
Donald and Marguerite Stark, $50
Jack and Kathy Egers, $30
James and Roberta McElhaney, $75
Kimberly Paletta, $25
Jesse and Jodi McNurlen, $25
Virginia Hollowood, $100
Joseph and Susan Dudas, $50
Barbara J. Noble, $35
Robert and Sharon Muntan, $50
Adolph Schilinski, $25
Sheila Carter, $25
Bonnie McClure, $25
David and Nancy Rubis, $100
Lou and Ruth Vore, $200
Patricia and James Eglar, $100
Anonymous, $50
James Irey, $100
Stephen and Katharine Stayduhar, $50
Carole and Dave Williams, in memory of Holly, $200
Carol and Rich Balaz, in memory of Sandy and Mary Ellen Hummell, $100
Knights of Columbus Washington Council 1083, $200
All Saints Greek Orthodox Church Philoptochos Society, $100
Rudy and Jackie Marisa, $50
Carl W. Russell, in memory of Nancy Barry, $100
Darlene and Steve Riker, $30
M. Lee Detwiler, $100
Dorothy Dillemuth, $200
Allan Junker, $100
Robert and Kathleen Devore, $100
Kenneth and Sharon Opal, $100
Geneva Idding, $60
Carolyn Casciola, $50
Robert Mary and Susan Crumrine, $25
Emilie Poplarchik, $30
Mary Jane Kolesar, $100
Dennis and Linda Sarchet, $50
Anonymous, in memory of Gram, Jo, and Cathy, $100
Roy Lounder, in memory of my wife, Linda, $50
Dolores Hess and Susan Nickler, $50
Michael Poness, $30
Ro and Ross Orenchuk, $100
Richard Ross, $20
Saundra White, $50
Luz and Kathy Armenini, in memory of Harry and Kay Shumaker, $50
Mary Seghi, $50
Anonymous, $50
Janet and Samuel Cario, $50
Virginia Ullom, $30
Frances Rugg, $50
Anonymous, $50
Roy and Marie Larimer, $25
David and Kathy Curdie, $50
Kathleen Morris, in memory of Sam Marra, $25
Jacqueline P. Wilkinson, in memory of Dr. Thomas C. Wilkinson, $100
Carole Pankas, $100
American Legion Auxiliary John C. McIlvaine, Unit 902, $50
Joseph and Gemma Smith, $100
Jeff and Linda Paxton, $50
George T. Haddad, $200
Frank and Karen Gasper, $50
Thomas and Jane Piatt, $50
Trudy Kosey, $50
Jacqueline Liberatore, $50
Linda Hainer, $25
susan and Mark Nickler, $100
Klaus and Melvina Behrens, $100
Dennis Thomas, $100
John and Marian Wagner, $100
Glen Martin, $50
Debra Lynn Rhone, $100
Charles Crouse and Sharon Russell, $100
Becky and Tom Wild, $300
Mt. Calvary EV Lutheran Church, in memory of Jim Jefferson, $500
Canonsburg Sunoco and Geno Phillips, $2,090