Ringgold student data leak revealed

Some student data was leaked via email last week, Ringgold School District announced Monday.
“The safety and security of our students is one of our top priorities at Ringgold School District,” Randall Skrinjorich, superintendent, said in a statement. “Upon learning about the accidental release of student data at one of our schools, the district immediately retracted the email from anyone who had not yet opened it.”
District police were notified of the incident. Additional safety protocols have been put in place, Randall said.
To maintain student privacy, the district did not reveal what sort of information was leaked. Ringgold parents received an email last week explaining the accidental data leak.
The district assured parents no student data was shared outside the district.
“Distribution of the erroneous email was not distributed outside of that one school’s family community,” Randall said. “In addition, we have added a series of safety steps to ensure a human error of this nature does not occur again.”