W&J facilities staff strike averted; negotiations continue

A strike planned for Wednesday by the maintenance and custodial workers at Washington & Jefferson College has been averted.
According to a statement from Service Employees International Union 32BJ, the decision to strike was withdrawn after college administrators agreed to continue contract negotiations in good faith.
The previous four-year contract expired Aug. 31 and covers 50 W&J facilities staff employees.
Sam Williamson, Western Pennsylvania District Director of SEIU 32BJ, said progress has been made toward reaching an agreement related to health care and wages.
“Union members at Washington & Jefferson are fighting for the wages they deserve in this current economy that is pushing household budgets to the limit,” Williamson said. “In addition to the wages the workers deserve, workers are adamant that they should maintain the health-care benefits from their previous contract and not accept any plan that has higher copays and premiums. W&J workers also want to maintain their retirement benefits from their previous contract that will provide for themselves and their families in the future.”
Union members are pleased that negotiations will continue.
“I am very happy that W&J has continued to listen to us at the bargaining table as we request reasonable terms for this new contract that includes better wages, maintaining our health insurance, and giving us the dignity and respect we deserve,” said Ray Ward, a W&J maintenance worker. “We love this school, we love these students, and we are so glad to be able to keep doing our jobs with the contract we deserve.”
The next bargaining session is scheduled for Sept. 27.
“W&J values our facilities employees and will continue to act in good faith to reach a fair agreement,” said Jim Irwin, college vice president for business and finance and chief financial officer.