‘We Won’t Go Back Rally’ scheduled for July 1
There’s strength in numbers, and Annie Shaner hopes a large number of women turn out for a celebration of womanhood Saturday, July 1, when several local organizations host the first “We Won’t Go Back” rally.
The rally, which includes a food truck, music and dancing, basket raffles and a guest speaker, runs from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Washington Park White Pavilion, 283 Dunn Ave. Organizers are also trying to secure a winery to serve attendees 21 and over at the BYOB event.
“I think a lot of women get discouraged and just give up,” said Shaner, a member of the League of Women Voters, the Washington County Democratic Committee and the Washington County Council of Democratic Women, who is spearheading the event. “We’re only going to increase in number. So that’s the purpose of the rally, to engage women, to celebrate them and to mobilize them to vote their interests.”
The We Won’t Go Back rally falls one year to the day of last year’s nationwide rallies protesting the Supreme Court’s Dobbs Decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade and, according to some, set women’s reproductive rights back by decades.
Shaner said the We Won’t Go Back rally is a non-political, social-educational event meant to provide information on voting, reproductive and health rights, domestic violence rights and workplace rights.
“I have nieces and nephews who are distraught over the Dobbs Decision. They see their aunt is out there trying to do something about it. I just want you to vote. Enough of this Hillary Clinton stuff, Biden stuff, Trump stuff. We have a municipal election this year. These people are making the most critical decisions for our lives,” Shaner said. “I just want people to vote.”
The League of Women Voters, the county Democratic Committee and the county Council of Democratic Women will share information at booths – Shaner is still waiting to hear back from the Council of Republican Women – and guest speaker Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski will deliver a speech on reproductive rights, her experiences working with young people and the challenges they face in a post-Roe world, Shaner said.
“I’m going to be very particular about not having politics. If politicians want to come, they’re welcome but they can’t politick,” Shaner said. “There’s no red, blue. I’m hoping I can at least make this rally be purple. We’re all mixed up.”
Alongside more formal learning at booths, the League of Women Voters will host a basket raffle to raise money for forums, legislative luncheons and publications. There will be dancing for all who want to get down to some good music.
Those who work up an appetite on the dance floor are welcome to enjoy food from Paula’s Hot Dogs and More food truck. All men and women in attendance are encouraged to arrive dressed as their favorite fashion decade; awards for best outfit will be given.
Admission is free, but women are invited to bring a new bra as part of a symbolic group moment before donating it to the Washington County Women’s Shelter.
Women who’d like to participate in the moment will put the bra on over their clothing, and the group will remove those bras together as an act of solidarity.
“I used to be a member of NOW, the National Organization for Women. Women back in those days, they burned bras because men can walk around bare-chested but we can’t. Some of the women who will come to this will remember those bra-burning days. Anybody who wants to put on the bra, we’re going to take them all off at the same time. We’re going to burn one and then we’re going to donate the rest,” Shaner said. “It’s a symbolic gesture.”
Symbolic of progress, and how much work is yet to be done; but mostly the event is a celebration of women rallying around one another, women supporting women, women learning beside women and dancing and talking and enjoying one another’s company.
“Men are welcome. I hope men come to show their support for women, because we’re celebrating women,” Shaner said. “I’m hoping women leave there having a better sense of worthiness, that things aren’t hopeless if we stick together, there’s strength in numbers.”
If you’d like to help sponsor the event, donate a basket or learn more about the rally, email july1rally@gmail.com.
Registration is not required, but those who want to sign up for the rally may visit the We Won’t Go Back EventBrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/we-wont-go-back-july-1-rally-for-womens-rights-tickets-655808610207.