South Strabane supervisors accept resignation of township manager

The South Strabane Township Board of Supervisors accepted the resignation of the township manager, who accepted a similar position in Allegheny County.
Supervisors voted to approve Brandon Stanick’s resignation at their meeting Tuesday. Stanick will remain in the role until July 28.
Stanick accepted a job as the assistant township manager and planning administrator for Findlay Township.
“The opportunity in Findlay was something I didn’t want to pass up,” Stanick said. “I enjoy South Strabane. I grew up in this county.”
The supervisors also approved a $6,000 contract with the Allegheny League of Municipalities to help with the search for a new manager.
“They have a group called Public Partners that are former township managers or local government officials to help communities in the metro area recruit. They are sort of leading that process,” Stanick said.
Stanick has been South Strabane’s township manager since December 2016.
“I just really liked working with the community, board and staff. We got a lot done,” Stanick said.
In other business, the supervisors approved an ordinance establishing the South Strabane Township Department of Fire and Emergency Services. The move formally creates a combination fire department consisting of paid staff and volunteers.
Chief Jordan Cramer said the action will have no effect on the day-to-day work at the department.
“There will be no operational change. This is kind of putting in writing what we are already doing,” Cramer said.
According to Cramer, formally combining the two sides of the fire department will help simplify the township code.
“It sets the foundation for us to build on, and get all of our ordinances as they pertain to fire and life safety under one section of the code,” Cramer said.
The department’s new name is meant to reflect that the agency responds to more than just fire calls.
“That name encompasses who and what we are and what we do a little bit better than simply a fire department,” Cramer said.