Cumberland Township woman accused of animal cruelty

An officer with the Humane Society of Greene County charged a woman Thursday after two dogs were found living in unsafe conditions in her home.
Lois Pust, 52, of Cumberland Township, faces felonies of aggravated cruelty to animals, as well as misdemeanor charges of cruelty to animals and neglect of animals.
The Humane Society initially received a complaint about the dogs Oct. 26. When an officer went to Pust’s home in the 100 block of Bliss Avenue, she declined to show the dogs but said she would provide photographs. According to the criminal complaint, she did not.
On Dec. 17 Pust’s landlord reported that the dogs had been abandoned. After failing to get in touch with Pust, investigators served a search warrant at her home the morning of Dec. 23.
According to the complaint, the house reeked of urine and feces. One dog was a medium-sized, mixed breed dog named Zoey, and she was unable to stand without falling. The other was a dog named Harley that is described as a Labrador retriever mix. Court records state there was no food or water available to the animals.
Both dogs were taken to Waynesburg Animal Hospital and found to be malnourished. They have since started to gain weight and walk without issue.
Pust was arraigned Friday afternoon before District Judge Lee Watson, who set a $30,000 unsecured bond. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for 11 a.m. Jan. 15.