Joseph Johnson Horne
Joseph Johnson Horne passed away Sunday, June 11, 2023. Joe was born in Washington, a son of the late Williard and Iva Mary Rafferty Horne.
He attended Morning Side School through the third grade then started at Hayes Avenue School until the ninth grade.
Joe had to leave school to work at Duncan Miller to help support his mother and all his siblings.
At age 17 he entered the United States Navy, serving first as a deck hand on the U.S.S. Perry DD844, and later on the Casa Grande LSD 13 as a cook. He was discharged in 1957 after serving six years.
Joe then went to work at Universal Cyclops Steel in Bridgeville, retiring in 1992.
In 1956 Joe married Dolores Bedillion, who died in 2006.
Surviving is a daughter, Leann Horne Vitteck of Washington.
Deceased are a son, Joe, who died in 2015 and a very special son-in-law, Gerald L. “Jerry” Vitteck; five sisters, Dorothy, Laura, Virginia, Blanche and Joe’s twin sister, Cecelia; and three brothers, Francis, Clyde and James.
Joe and his wife enjoyed bowling at Route 19 Bowl, in the couples’ league, and received several trophies. He also enjoyed playing softball for Pickles Bar. The owner of Pickles was Joe’s father-in-law.
He joined the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 927 in 1968, going through all chairs and was also a commander. He was a member of Moose Lodge 22 for 54 years.
Joe was a huge fan of West Virginia University football and also loved Ohio State football. He loved watching Westerns on television.
Joe was loved and will be missed by Leann, his loving daughter.
There will be no visitation. Full military honors will be accorded at 10:30 a.m. Friday, June 23, in the National Cemetery of the Alleghenies by the Hunt-Kennedy Post 639 of the American Legion, Claysville.
Condolences may be expressed at Hummell and Jones Funeral Home, Douglas M. Jones, supervisor and Dr, Lawrence K. Donovan, director.