Don’t try to change Cecil
This in response to Greg Simmons’ letter in the Friday edition of the Observer-Reporter about Cecil Township.
Like Simmons, I purchased a home in Cecil Township 16 years ago. Tax payments and significant improvements have been made to my house during this period. I resent Simmons’ statement that all of the township’s newer residents, “were denigrated as plastic house people.”
“Newcomer” to Cecil Township would describe me as well. The difference between me and Simmons, though, is I moved here because I liked the way Cecil lived. I have not tried to change their lifestyle, but embraced it. The farmlands, trees and wildlife that existed prior to the development of housing plans is what attracted me here. Minimal rules, regulations and ordinances were other enticing factors. If you move to “Mayberry,” leave it as such.
Birds chirp, deer eat flowers, dogs bark, dirt bikes are noisy, gun owners shoot, bonfires are set, cows moo, donkeys stink, etc. My mom always told me, “Never think you’ll change a man after marriage.” The same should apply to generations of residents that make up a community. Don’t try to change the way they’ve been living for years, and you’ll be surprised how they embrace you as one of their own.
Lynne Holzhauser