Hold industry accountable
When does it stop? Should we just keep going through the motions before it is too late?
Is the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) truly being responsible in administering all the commonwealth’s environmental laws and regulations? Or are they only concerned with promoting advanced energy?
The Department of Environmental Protection has to stop rubber-stamping industry requests and truly look at the impact these permits are having on our communities and the environment. I truly understand this is not an easy task. The laws and regulations are very complex and favor industry. One also has to wonder how responsible DEP is being when it continues to issue permits which allow for stream damage, knowing there are still seven streams within the same watershed as Ryerson Station State Park in Wind Ridge that have not returned to pre-mining status.
We have to stop kicking the can down the road and find common ground. We have to hold industry accountable for their actions. If we don’t, more will be lost, not just the dam at Ryerson Station State Park. Without water, we have nothing.
Kimberly A. Jones
Wind Ridge