Where are the straight answers?
Although I don’t recall all the details regarding the installation of midblock crosswalks on two local state routes for Washington & Jefferson College several years ago, I do recall that it was a very hot and well-publicized issue between the college and the city.
The Washington School District’s recent request for a midblock crosswalk on Jefferson Avenue near Washington High School has brought forth several contradictory statements by PennDOT and college officials. PennDOT says it wouldn’t want a midblock crosswalk at that location because it wouldn’t be safe for the students, that they did not approve the crosswalks for W&J, and “we are not sure who put them there.” W&J could not immediately determine when the crosswalks were added or who approved them, but did say they were installed under a PennDOT program.
No doubt PennDOT, Washington & Jefferson College and Washington School District have student safety in mind, but was PennDOT’s rejection of the school district’s request a double standard in this case, or were the college crosswalks installed without PennDOT’s approval? The crosswalk installation isn’t ancient history, and it’s disconcerting that no one can render a straight answer or any clarity on the issue.
Linda Boice