Range Resources cares
As someone who lives around an area that’s populated with many well pads, I was happy to read the Feb. 8 article by Emily Petsko, “Range Resources wins award for Cross Creek turkey Habitat.”
I was very happy to read this because people give the gas companies a bad rap. They should always restore the land to what it was like before, but Range Resources did more than many people expected, by making it better than it was, and better for the wildlife in the park.
According to the energy companies, they want to restore the land to the way it was before drilling. With well pads from Range Resources all around where I live, and Cross Creek Park 10 minutes away from my house, they’re sticking to their plan of restoration with the help of the local high school biology class. The ground that they restored is better looking than it was before they were here. That is a great way for students to get involved with the environment, and it shows that Range Resources cares about the land they use.
Brian Gordon