No reason to divide Israel
I am writing in response to your editorial in Sunday’s paper, “Netanyahu’s victory bad news for two-state solution”.
Not only are you promoting the mainstream media’s myths and hogwash about Israel and its right to defend itself in order to survive, but also spreading anti-Semitism, which is destructively rampant in the world today.
There is no legitimate reason for dividing Israel. It became a nation 2,000 years before the rise of Islam and has had a continual presence in the Holy Land for centuries. God gave the land to Abraham and his descendants when he told him to leave his homeland and go “to the land that I will show you.”
You failed to mention the barrage of over 4,000 missiles that have been fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip. You also didn’t point out the rockets and weaponry being hidden in schools and hospitals, using children as human shields for propaganda purposes when there are unfortunate Palestinian deaths. And what about the use of money meant to aid the Palestinian people being used instead to build tunnels to infiltrate Israel to bring harm to its people?
The Bible says “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” Don’t be counted among the group that is cursed.
Carla Mazurik