Teach cursive in schools
We have not kept current with early education programs, since our children are grown and our grandchildren are in high school or college-age. Just by coincidence, I recently learned that schools are no longer teaching cursive, and this really amazed me.
Not only was this unbelievable but unacceptable to me. To say that I disagree is putting it mildly.
One argument is that electronic signatures are now being deployed in this computer age, but that does not hold water. What about a signature being required on all legal documents? One person stated that printing your name is acceptable. Why not just X marks the spot?
We pay teachers more to teach less. A neighbor child came to my home and I have a traditional clock with hands and numbers. This child could not tell me what time it was, because it was not a digital clock. Ask them to do some basic math figures without a calculator. We now have cars that park themselves and shoes that lace themselves. What next? Are we creating an environment of lethargy and laziness?
Doris Dhayer