Recognize the value of watershed

The north branch of the Ten Mile Creek Watershed that runs through Marianna is a project that the Marianna Outdoorsmen Association (MOA) has taken under its wing for the last 10 years. The association, the Laurel Hill Trout Farm and other volunteers, have made giant steps in improving the quality of fishing, hunting and kayaking in this area.
Trout are stocked right before the trout-fishing season opens, and normally one or two weeks after the season begins, by the MOA. The quality of fish that are stocked are superior to any trout in Pennsylvania. The association stocks again in the fall, and other freshwater fish throughout the course of the year.
I would like to know why the Pennsylvania Fish Commission and our local tourism office do not promote or recognize this area for the valuable asset it is. Since the north branch of the Ten Mile Creek Watershed is an approved trout stocking area, we are asking why the approved trout stocking area is not extended to include the area through Marianna, continuing to where the north and south branches join together in Clarksville. And also why we are not recognized on a tourism brochure.
Edward Thomas