Excellent job by road crews

The first of the winter season’s big snowstorms hit last weekend, dumping 15 to 20 inches of snow – even more in some areas – throughout Greene County.
The state Department of Transportation and local municipal road crews were out in force trying to keep the roads plowed for those who absolutely had to get out.
Luckily, the storm hit over the weekend and many didn’t have to leave the warmth of their homes. Many people did just that, according to Greg Leathers, the director of the Greene County Emergency Management Department.
“I think people were prepared and they limited their travel,” he said.
Road crews worked throughout the weekend and must have done a good job, judging from the lack of complaints we heard and the fact all five school districts in Greene County had classes Monday.
Of course, there are always problems, particularly in places like Waynesburg, where roads have to be plowed and unfortunately, snow pushed against cars parked at the curb or in front of driveways or onto sidewalks that have already been shoveled.
We think the borough did an excellent job of keeping the roads passable, and cleaning up afterwards. After plowing the roads, borough crews then had the added task of scooping up the large piles of snow at the curbs and trucking it away. It should be noted the borough did all this with only a four-man road crew. Borough officials only asked residents to be patient.
The only alternative in handling a large snow fall like this, really, would be for the borough to hire additional workers and purchase more snow-removal equipment. Of course, that would have to be done at taxpayers’ expense, and the crews and equipment only needed a few times a year.
The public works crew did an excellent job last weekend. People griping about the lack of parking spots in the borough just need to be more patient.