COMMENTARY We are in the middle of a cold civil war
America is in the midst of a cold civil war.
It is a civil war because of the strident and polarized state of our nation. The left and the right have never been as far apart as they are today. The two sides are in a continuing state of resentful antagonism. Ever since the election of President Trump, the left has been suffering increasingly more convulsive Trump Derangement Syndrome. They are now approaching a point where they are so completely opposed to basic American values –anything that President Trump says or does – that, in their view, there can only be unity when the left vanquishes the right or the right vanquishes the left.
These are the binary conclusions of civil war. Both sides have convinced their followers that the other represents an existential threat to the existence of the nation.
The really good news is that Trump supporters are winning the cold civil war, and they are winning big. I know this for two reasons. The first is based on observable facts, and the other is that the more we are winning, the further unhinged liberal commentators become.
Allow me to begin with the most obvious proof, at least to rational people: the observable facts.
Look around at where our nation and its people are under President Trump, as opposed to where we were under President Obama’s socialist oppression. Consumer confidence is at a 17-year high, up 19 percent since President Trump’s election. This is a leading indicator suggesting that the economy will continue to improve.
The nation’s economic growth is over 3.3 percent. The nation’s economy is doing very well. Unemployment is down and the number of jobs available are up. It’s exactly what President Trump promised. During the Obama years, economic growth never reached 3 percent. Business is no longer a targeted enemy of the government. Many oppressive regulations have been eliminated, and job-creating policies initiated. More will follow.
A new tax bill is very nearly complete, one that will provide economic relief to a broad range of taxpayers and further encourage job creation and economic growth. Stock markets are at record highs, which means that a huge amount of wealth has been created for additional investment in the economy, as well as individual savings and retirement accounts. The fact that our citizens are investing means that they think the economy will continue to grow under President Trump’s policies.
President Trump has reduced illegal immigration and is implementing plans for its elimination. He will continue to fight the traitorous and lawbreaking sanctuary cities that provide safe harbor to the criminals from other nations.
The President has been strengthening our judiciary. The appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court was a tremendous first step. A number of constitutionalist federal judges have been appointed and others await appointment. Recent absolutely inexplicable and politically-based decisions from liberal federal judges clearly indicate the critical need for federal Judges who understand the Constitution and the rule of law.
Our military is becoming strong again after its decimation under Obama. We are again proudly projecting American power. America is strengthening its alliances overseas after years of destruction under Obama-Clinton mismanagement. We are realigning with real friends and allies. Our friends respect us and, once again, our enemies fear us, as it should be.
In this country, it is shameful to watch the left melt down in so many ways. Their decades of hypocrisy, immorality and elitism are being shown for the house of cards it is. The illusions of narcissistic glitter so carefully constructed by Hollywood, the myth of being a “party of the people,” the societal cost of racial and class politics, and the shameless partisanship of the media are all crumbling when confronted by the hard-nosed reality of truth. Finally, the Clinton crime family is about to face its day of reckoning, as revelations concerning Uranium One, the Clinton Foundation, multi-million dollar bribes and kickbacks all come to the fore.
As a second proof of how greatly we are winning, I offer as evidence the recent completely off the rails, unhinged, fact-free liberal rant by one Richard Cohen, a commentary writer for the far-left Washington Post. Cohen is known for making some pretty outlandish statements and distasteful comparisons, but he has outdone himself in a recent screed titled, “President Trump has ushered in America’s Darkest Hour.”
Cohen roams pointlessly around, first trying to measure Trump by a 1962 Arthur Schlesinger article then saying that the president has not held the stage at a critical moment in history. even though his presidency is not yet a year old. He then suggests that we must compare the Trump presidency to a movie about Winston Churchill, and then wanders off into a denunciation of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. His conclusion appears to be that somehow moral principle has been replaced by political cowardice. Aside from the fact-free assertions, it is astounding that he can arrive at his conclusion assuming that either the left or the previous administration somehow operated on moral principles. These are facts definitely not in evidence. He also fails to mention what he thinks is “political cowardice”.
The left is completely ideologically driven, with no constructive plan to offer. The more they are challenged and proven wrong, the more they howl at the moon. As we clearly see, they are slipping further from reality and becoming more unstable. That is the other way I know we are winning.
The cold civil war is likely existential, and it will likely end with the elimination of one side – the left. Hopefully, it remains a cold civil war.
The left is crushed by facts, bereft of leadership, demonstrably delusional and increasingly unhinged. The right is winning big and will keep winning.
President Trump is indeed making America great again.