Reader react
Each week, the Observer-Reporter asks Facebook friends to respond to a question about an issue in the news. This week, we asked: “What are you thoughts about deploying National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border?
Eric McGrosky … the Posse Comitatus Act states; “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.” i.e. Trump should be in jail …
Julia Vernau The only reason Trump would send the National Guard to the U.S. Mexican border would be to feed his own ego!
Anthony J. Lewandowski Build the wall, and top it off with barbed wire. In the meantime, yes, send our National Guard troops to deter anymore crossings from the ILLEGAL INVADERS!
Brandon Pettit Meanwhile bridges collapse and roads fall in, Flint’s water still bad, Puerto Rico still needs help, vets go homeless daily, the VA hospitals are running jokes, but, nope, this is what we’re spending money on.
Diane Caprio How is this going to stop anyone from coming in? Figure out how many troops are being sent, and then compute how many miles of border they have to cover, and it makes no sense at all. One soldier for every mile or so is a drop in the bucket. And all they will be allowed to do it point out to the border police that they see somebody trying to come over the border. They are not allowed to physically stop them. President Trump is just trying to appease the sheep that voted for him because he promised them a wall. He is also using money that should be spent to fix the equipment being used by our military (notice all the military copters and planes falling out of the sky due to lack of maintenance) instead of spending on this ridiculous stunt.
Dan Greene Rather than send them down to the border to stand around, isn’t there plenty of work around here that could be done instead? What if we could put them to work improving the community by dredging the creeks that cause all the local flooding, or tearing down dilapidated and vacant buildings and houses in town slated for demolition? Maybe they could guard our schools? My point isn’t that these things should be the job of the National Guard, but that their time could be spent in a much better way than to hang out at the border accomplishing very little.
Michelle Roble Stroop Very few of our illegal immigrants arrive by walking across our southern border. It’s a waste of resources.
Mary Ellen Kania Build the wall and quit fighting our president. He is totally doing the right thing!
Lorrin Dixon I’m sure we could be spending the money and resources into something more productive.
Joe Rohr Great. Should have been done a long time ago.
Steve Jarecki They’ve already stopped truckloads of drugs … it’s working, send more!
David Kramer I think it’s a great idea.
Kathy Kramer That’s great.
Candy Spears Long overdue!
Kenneth Neundorf Waste of resources.