LETTER Firing two dozen teachers not the right solution

I disagree with the decision to let 24 teachers go (in Central Greene School District). I feel that a different solution to this could have been proposed. I love school and I love my teachers, and it crushed me to see teachers, whom I enjoyed having, forced to leave our school.
Teachers play a very important part in everyone’s life and they inspire us to do our best in school. Leaving teachers at the end of the year is always a hard task to do, but I always know that I will see them in the school again next year. But now many won’t be at the school next year, and those who remain will be in different positions.
Imagine, if you will, that you just had a wonderful school year and you are excited for the next year. Imagine that you also have siblings in the lower grades who are advancing and are doing exceptional and you want the best for them. Then careless decisions are made to get rid of a lot of your teachers, your mentors, your friends.
You are crushed.
I have a lot of respect for teachers and I support them. I certainly do not agree with the decision to get rid of 24 of them without any other proposed solutions. But, hey, I am just a lowly student who doesn’t get a say in anything, right? But I hope you will still take this into consideration.
Ethan Maxwell of Franklin Township is an incoming ninth-grade student at Waynesburg Central High School