Reader react
Each week, the Observer-Reporter asks Facebook friends to respond to a question about an issue in the news. This week, we asked, “What are your thoughts on President Trump’s policy of separating children from their parents at the Mexico border?”
Barbara Blandine: How about worry about the kids in this country first – come here the right way
Carrie J Perrell: I read there were 200 instances in one month where the children did not belong to the people trying to enter the country. Separation can be for the safety of the children. Otherwise human trafficking can occur unimpeded.
Tracy Nelson Horne: I can’t imagine being in their shoes. I can’t imagine what it would be like to leave what I know, no matter how bad it is, for uncertainty, but yet cling to hope, hope for something way better. While I get that there are laws, should we not be more motivated to really help than make the situation much worse. What it boils down to is money, as it does with most moral issues. We are charged as humans to be decent and to love our neighbors. As Americans we are called to welcome the tired, the hungry, the widowed, the oppressed …
Kathy Malie: The law hasn’t changed. Neither Bush nor Obama did this. It is Trump holding the children hostage to get money for his useless wall.
Lou Jane Coppola: Some of these people have come seeking asylum from horrors in their own countries. Were the Japanese who were put in internment camps illegals? It’s not OK to take children from their parents.
Terry BlairHarmon: If the parents don’t want separated from their children then they shouldn’t cross the border illegally. Very simple solution to this.
Bob Jameson: Holding children hostage for political advantage to get Congress to pay for a wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for. #deplorable
Shane Miller: If you are a U.S. citizen and are incarcerated for breaking the law, they don’t let your children accompany you to the county jail or federal prison. Why is it so heartbreaking when illegal aliens break our laws and are separated from their children? They should be incarcerated for two times as long for endangering the welfare of a minor. I’m all for having a heart, but the more sympathetic we are, the more pathetic our border security is.
Keith Kendra: Families belong together in their own countries. Don’t cross the border illegally, then cry when you are detained and separated. In other countries, you would have been shot!
Jim Malie: White people are literally the worst.