LETTER Trump to blame for border atrocities

President Trump blames the Democratic Party for the recent humanitarian crimes taking place at our southern borders – yes, immigrants seeking refuge, asylum and safety in America. Let’s remember that the Democratic Party previously worked for, with a number of members from the GOP, a program that would make a “pathway toward citizenship” solve many of our border issues and problems. The majority of the GOP, however, blocked these attempts.
Let’s put the blame for the horrific acts of child abuse (that’s what it is) where it belongs since April 6, when Trump allowed these actions to commence. It is Trump who now allowed children and babies to be taken, separated, ripped away from their mothers. This man needs to be removed from the office he was never prepared or suited for. The lies from Trump, Jeff Sessions, all of the White House, have to stop. This swamp needs to be drained. When will America be America again? There will be no wall paid for by Mexico; only the lies about the wall to Trump’s supporters will exist in our history books. What happened to our nation? What happened to our human compassion? What happened to our leadership in the world? Is the recent debacle on our southern borders making America great?
I plead with all who feed solely on Fox news to please seek out the truth of what is happening to our country through various news outlets. Come to your own conclusions and stop being led like sheep to the slaughter. Read Time and Newsweek, and spend several hours this week watching other news networks – yes, make an attempt to watch CNN and MSNBC for a few hours, as hard as this may be for you. This was a lesson I learned many years ago and one that keeps me a patriotic American who seeks the truth.
We cannot separate children from parents who only seek to spare their children from death and slaughter in the countries and homes they leave to seek compassion and love in America.
Rev. Joseph S. Lewandowski (ret.)